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October’s theme is Manifesting Healthy Love + Relationships!

October is here, ladies, and this month we're talking love and relationships! After being inspired by a highly requested relationship "Ask Me Anything" series on my Instagram stories over the past month, I'm thrilled to spend this month in our collective digging deeper and discussing what it looks like to manifest a healthy relationship and create and attract true, safe and fulfilling love in our lives.

Whether you're single, in a relationship, a situationship, or a marriage, you will get so much out of this month's content. In our first call of the month, I'll be doing a live discussion and Q+A featuring your questions when it comes to love. We'll be discussing what it looks like to show up as your true self in dating and relationships, how to deal with things like ghosting and unavailable partners, how to infuse new energy into a marriage or long-term partnership, and how to use the principles of the Law of Attraction to call in your ideal partner or reimagine your current relationship dynamic.