January’s theme is Owning Your Truth!
Welcome to January ladies! I am so thrilled to walk you through the start of a brand new year. 2022 is all about OWNING YOUR TRUTH.
Too often, people live for others; their parents, society, their church, their friends. They make decisions based on the status quo, and what they feel is "right" based on exterior standards.
They follow a certain set of rules and walk through life never truly acknowledging their own power and the dreams inside of them. Then they wind up unfulfilled, uninspired, and full of regrets.
Throughout January (and the entire year), we'll be burning the rulebook and getting crystal clear on who we are, what we want, and how we want to show up in the world. I will give you powerful exercises to help you fully step into your essence and create the lifestyle you want.
There is no more time to waste. It's time to be who you are meant to be.
We're coming in HOT this year. Get ready!