Finding the Power in Pleasure and Play!

Let's remove some of the pressure to "go go go" and embrace pleasure and play in our lives.

When was the last time you consciously slowed down? When was the last time you created space in your schedule to truly nurture yourself? What stories have you been telling yourself about your need to work yourself to the bone? Are you having enough fun in your personal life?

If you've been feeling burnt out, stuck, and overwhelmed, it all changes now. Throughout the month of July, we'll ask ourselves some powerful questions around our old belief systems that tell us slowing down is "bad" for us. We'll create new beliefs that encourage us to incorporate pleasure and play into our worlds. And mid-month, we'll have a 14-day pleasure challenge where I will send you prompts and ideas to make your days more luxurious, indulgent, and fun!

Cara Alwill